Welcome to The Blue Rose Gallery
In the coming of our presentations we will
endeavor to bring you a wide spectrum of treasures. With upwards of a thousand
pieces to be exhibited, there is something here for all to connect with.
The theme range is so diverse as to span from golden years to grandchildren...from
funtastic to fantasy... from illusionary to illuminance... from esoteric
to erotica... from playful to portraits and of course serious to simply
It must be stated that conventionality is not
our direction, however as you may see the focal point travels many avenues.
Within this realm divine inspiration provides the catalyst for a given
medium of choice, whether it be oils, ink, literature or sculpt. To ensure you get a maximum experience please look over the how to page.
Don't forget to set your bookmark for
Blue Rose Gallery News Letter, in anticipation of further introductions
to Celtic Arts and Bind Runes,
their fundamentals being the root behind many disciplined wisdom?s of the
Images marked ''FEATURE''
are obtainable on consignment, in either digital, print, poster or original
as marked. It is recommended you first get yourself an item ledger for
your reference and or recording of choice from here.
Please feel free to direct your mail-by-post.

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Copyright © by The Blue Rose Gallery 1985 - 2022
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