The Blue Rose


Near and Far

Net Friends

Like invisible threads
We link hands around the world
And come together in friendship.

Our conversations vary from
Worldly to personal
Joyful to sorrowed
Definite to improbable

And yet the bonds grow stronger
And we rely on each other
For kind words, sympathy, and laughter

My friends, it may seem strange
To someone not familiar with our ways
That I could feel so close
To people whose faces I've never seen
Whose hands I've never grasped in friendship.
But each of you understands
And that is what matters
To me.

What is a friend?

We all know the dictionary definiton of the word (if you need a brush-up see below),
but what is a 'friend' in terms that we regular folks can understand?

A friend:
listens to you
cares about you
shares ideas
values you
talks to you
sings to you
smiles at you
makes a day brighter
thinks about you when you are apart
laughs with you
tells you stories
writes you a letter
recites prose to you
tells you secrets
shares juicy gossip
is there when you are sick
-or sad
-or extremely happy
-or just need someone to talk to

If there is anyone in your life who fits any of the above descriptions of a friend, share this with them. Let them know how much you care, and how much you value their friendship.

From Webster's On-Line Dictionary:
Main Entry: 1friend
Pronunciation: 'frend
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English frend, from Old English frEond;
akin to Old High German friunt friend,
Old English frEon to love, frEo free
Date: before 12th century
1 a : one attached to another by affection or esteem
2 a : one that is not hostile
b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3 : one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4 : a favored companion
5 capitalized : a member of a Christian sect
that stresses Inner Light,
rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry,
and opposes war -- called also Quaker
- friend·less /'fren(d)-l&s/ adjective
- friend·less·ness noun
- be friends with : to have a friendship
or friendly relationship with
- make friends with : to establish a friendship
or friendly relations with
Portrait of a Friend
I can't give solutions to all of life's problems , doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain, nor the future with it's untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.
Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happinesses are not mine; yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge; I can only support you , encourage you, and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you, but I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting, but I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
:-) - KEEP SMILING - :-)

If at times you feel you want to cry
And life seems such a trial
Above the clouds theres a bright blue sky
So make your tears a smile.
As you travel on lifes way
With its many ups and downs
Remember its quite true to say
One smile is worth a dozen frowns.
Among the worlds expensive things
A smile is very cheap
And when you give a smile away,
You get one back to keep.
Happiness comes at times to all
But sadness comes unbidden
And sometimes a few tears must fall
Among the laughter hidden.
So when friends have sadness on their face
And troubles round them piled
The world will seem a better place
And all because you smiled. :-)

This page is sent to you as a sign of friendship.
You have to forward this to all your
friends to keep this "ring of friendship" going on forever.
Don't let it stop!

Send this back to the person who sent this to you
in order to show that s/he is your
forever friend, too.
Send this page on to all your friends now!

Courtesy of a Lady Friend.

Let the Lady know what you think of this page, or ask her a question,
She loves hearing from you!


"A friend is someone who
walks in when the
rest of the world walks out."

"True friends are like diamonds,
precious but rare."

"Don't walk in front of me,
 I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."

Thinking of all my beautiful friends...
may your fears be replaced with unconditional love and compassion.
Oceans of love,

I feared being alone
until I learned to like myself.

I feared failure until I realized
that I only fail when I don't try.

I feared success until I realized that I had
to try in order to be happy with myself.

I feared people's opinions until I learned
that people would have opinions about me anyway.

I feared rejection
until I learned to have faith in myself.

I feared pain until I learned
that it's necessary for growth.

I feared the truth until
I saw the ugliness of lies.

I feared life until
I experienced its beauty.

I feared death until I realized
that it's not an end, but a beginning.

I feared my destiny until I realized
that I had the power to change my life.

I feared hate until I saw
that it was nothing but ignorance.

I feared ridicule until
I learned how to laugh at myself.

I feared growing old until
I realized that I gained wisdom every day.

I feared the future until
I realized that life just kept getting better.

I feared the past until
I realized that it could no longer hurt me.

I feared the dark until
I saw the beauty of the starlight.
I feared the light until
I learned that the truth would give me strength.

I feared change until I saw
that even the most beautiful butterfly
had to undergo a metamorphosis
before it could fly...

Copyright © by The Blue Rose Gallery
all rights reserved

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