The Blue Rose

Guest Book

Your further comments or inquiries about the following displays are certainly welcomed also.

Bert Hazon... I have always coveted the pleasurable moments stolen from in front of the pallets of your world. The electronic exposure seems to bring a certain atmosphere to the collections. Unlike common exhibitions showing a limited portion of the artists works, here individuals are able to leisurely view scads of content, specific to the artist. It is now harder than ever to comprehend a finite volume capacity involved here. 11/03/96 
Brenda Bailey...Keep the angels smiling. I look forward to my dreams...

Jill ...There is such peace and love in your paintings. Your work is admired.

Arnold & Cathie... Thanks for sharing your thoughts and intriguing perspective.

Bill Morewood ... Eyes that see change in the present shall always have great visions of future past..

Suzan... Inspiration = Breath of angels, Gotta love the Greeks. God Bless.

Eric van Riesen... Amazing Talent.

Sid Preece

Al Rockwood...08/24/96

Terry Belino... I like your style.


Emily Paper... What the world needs more of is art & love & beauty. Art has the love & the beauty. Keep creating the art. 10/22/94

Jeff... I feel a need to say something profound, but instead I'll just ask why there's a hole in the roof.

Vincent Buloiske... An experience I shall never forget, truly.

Patty...Intense fantasy, immense reality. More than one story or emotion to each amazing painting. To sum it up - "Whew!" With love.

Martin... Your paintings were an experience I will not soon forget.

Alvin Elliott

Stephanie... I think your paintings are very beautiful. The colours are unique all in themselves. I would be proud to have one of your works of art in my home for show.

Jeannie Novak A new friend!...Thank you for sharing your art and friendship. It is very unique.08/16/88

Max Papes...Art is an inspiration of god & the person's dedication to life will remain for an eternity.

France...As the Gate opens, all will be revealed. All will be enlightened and all that remains is what has served it's purpose. 07/13/87

Rick Christoff...Your pictures are lovely. Your talent is unbelievable. You deserve a lot of praise. Somewhere we all shine in our own special way. With love.09/03/88

Rosemarie Cruickshank... "Absolutely unbelievable! I wish I had a tiny portion of your talent! 09/03/88 With love.


Francis T. & Martina Schmalz... We enjoyed being taken through your world of the artistic expression of the higher self and the minds 02/23/86

Tom... Perhaps the blue will meet and hold with the brown - we have love to give & a strong desire to help our fellow man clear the air now. Best wishes.

Entering your world makes my heart sore like the eagle in the sky. 06/02/85

M. M...Very mixed reaction, some I liked, some bring up horrid feelings

P. Manralty... A very interesting experience - I would like to see more.

Susan Goldsmith (8years old)... your paintings show feelings and emotions. I think their mysterious.

Nancy... I am not surprised at the paintings, they seem familiar. 06/02/85

Roy Buchanan... Your Art is spiritually mystic, and of great talents.

Sister are talented! I'm impressed with your artistic ability. I like the one on dreams.

Douglas Millwood...I am delighted to observe your artistic talent 10/29/85

Photo Canada...Very pleased to see your fantastic work, worth millions of dollars. 10/29/85

Foxwell... Very few times dose one wish for time to stand still - this was that time. I thank you for that - I hope for you much more than dreams with love and appreciation.10/26/85

Sister Kelly Krahn...I really appreciate your wonderful talent. You are close to Heavenly Father, and I had a calm, peaceful feeling looking at your work.

Bert Hazen...You are all artist extraordinaire!

It is a joy to see all your works.

Jerry S. ...I love all your work

Tricia Brandt... In sincere appreciation. Follow your heart and share as you feel drawn, for you have been blessed with a truly remarkable gift of spiritual enlightenment. 01/10/85

Gorden Williams "Rev"...Always surprising but always enjoyable. P.T.L.!............................... I agree!Marg Williams

Shirley Grundy...To be able to attune both on a psychic and physical plane is to be a total person. Creativity - of course - comes from the "creator"12/15/84

Dee Richter... To a truly amazing person, one who has more love and understanding than anyone I know. With an added gift of listening which is rare to find. Lot of luck and love in all your endeavors. Nov.1984

Mark Bernbridge...Totally awesome. I gotta come back "high"!

Jim... Attractive, imaginative creations - quite absorbing! 09/01/84 
P. Mills...They're great and lovely.

Maurice Wasuik... Your paintings are beautiful and tell a story by themselves. I feel the warmth from them.07/31/84

Robert J. Mathews...The artist is a different person totally independent with an imagination that is free and unencumbered. 07/84

To be free, totally free and to have the vision to look past the obvious is a precious gift. Aug.1984

Bert Hazen...Artist are La cre`me de la cre`me - so you are in a special category. Like fine wine - you improve with time.

Rick Bentham, Ancaster Ont... "Still learning" of course we always are as long as we keep it alive.08/10/84

Roy Dumstan... As refreshing and open as the artist. This work deserves sharing through showings, exhibits, at every opportunity. The artist must know I appreciate the work - that I wish only well. 08/09/84

Copyright © by The Blue Rose Gallery
all rights reserved

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