The Blue Rose


Ink Well - Pen and Ink

new users: the following thumbnail (GIF's) images are linked to the corresponding expanded version.

vacuna 25.7kbGIF

''Vacuna'' (147kbJPEG),

18''x24'' p+i 

dryads 24kbGIF

''The Dryads'' (150kbJPEG)

18''x24'' p+i 


''Sakiwag'' (142kbJPEG)

18''x24'' p+i 

sinkakaius 27.3kbGIF

"Sinkakaius'' (164kbJPEG)

18''x24'' p+i 

kiwegapaw 25.2kbGIF

''Kiwegapaw'' (161kbJPEG),

18''x24'' p+i 

scrana 28.4kbGIF

''Scrana'' (151kbJPEG),

18''x24'' p+i 

nidoba 24.6kbGIF

''Nidoba'' (100kbJPEG),

18''x24'' p+i 

much more soon to come.

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