The Blue Rose 

How To Interact & Integrate Within TBRG

Have a favorite page, set it to open  as your home page in your browsers by setting through internet options.


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Please note that this is only a partial venue for us to wow you with.

Ordering & Featured Items

We hope to get a shopping cart in the near future, however until that time,,,
To use the online ordering form, one would do well do to leave a window open on the page with the form and then open a fresh window to peruse with. When an item of interest is found, you would then revert to the order form window and insert your selection. Upon completing your selections on the order form click on the "send" button or print the page and mail (Box 107, Erin Ontario Canada N0B1T0) it by post. Once your order has been compiled your will be notified of the account information required for making payment.
Order Form  or  Featured Items

Helpful Terms To Know

TBRG = The Blue Rose Gallery
URL = web address
Field = Box to insert text / typing
Hot Link = connect through applying a link directly to URL
copy  = click and run cursor over text to highlight, then copy by pressing "Ctrl" key together with "c"
paste = click cursor into desired  field, then paste by pressing "Ctrl" key together with "v"
address bar = field at top of browser where URL's appear
Browser = internet program, i.e.: netscape or internet explorer

note: new users may want to open a fresh window, in so leaving this page open for reference.

Blue Lagoon Chat

The community meets and greets in the room, interacting among themselves in many ways. Conversations relate to the Pieces, prose, personal interests, roll playing with or without TBRG character pieces or just plain old gabbing about the weather.

This venue is also a way for friends and family to keep in touch world wide without accumulated long distance charges.
Via the "private chat feature", one on one conversation is attainable by double clicking on a chatter's name.

(no program download is required for this user friendly Java Script provision)
(frequent users may opt to save the "chat" link to their bookmarks or favorites)

Simply enter through the above link with a name only or, get  more involved through employing the following for fun options.

Blue Lagoon Chat Room Character Persona'

Option 1
Some may choose to select an image from the the promo pic's area to put an anonymous face to themselves for the fun of roll playing or privacy issues. To further set the stage, mood, feeling or ambiance of a character a musical selection  from Casa Crimson Recordings enhances how the character is perceived. For example a rock n roller will choose from the rock menu and a classical type persona would choose from the classical menu.

For a working presentation, please follow along,,, Pinko Palino is a Rocker in a mood for fun, so,,, His profile (pic)ture is the URL address (from promo bin)  and his choice of music today is the Fun Fun URL address (from ccr rock) Therefore once "Pinko" has placed his name in the name box,  the string he then puts in the profile box when logging into the chat room is...     +

^  highlight in order to copy & paste the above line to the chat room applets profile box  ^
note: java script chat functions only allows key stroke cut & paste, (cut) Ctrl c   or  (paste) Ctrl v

note: there must be at least one typing space between these two addresses
note: copy and pasting is the easiest way to transpose URL addresses into the profile box
note: clicking on desired URS's will engage the URL and you may then copy and paste a URL from the browser address bar into the chat room profile box

Promo Pics

Casa Crimson Recordings

Option 2
Choosing a hot link as it is termed, in this instance means finding your way to any given page and using that URL for your chat room profile, coupled or not with a musical URL of choice.
i.e.  (name =) Vacuna     (Profile =)

Option 3
All who visit are welcome to put up their Personal Pages as a profile, however, it must be understood that the provision is not for the purpose of individuals promoting personal business ventures. Primarily, persons are encouraged to socially mingle and share Bluerose content or areas of expertise such as a hobby or specialty interest. The URL below is that of a coin collector, who likes to expound on his persona by likening himself to King George with a second URL pointing directly (hot link) to a head shot from a coin within his presented collection. +

FYI, places to build your own free web space entity     or

Option 4
There are a number of free services out there which enable people to create a likening of themselves for such as these interactive environments. Create your personalized page and then insert the URL into the chat profile box.  or  or

chat room terminology abbreviations

brb = be right back
bbl = be back later
bbs = be back soon
ty = thank you
nty = no thank you
lmao = laugh my arse off
rflmas = rolls on floor laughing my arse off
ooc = out of character
lol = laugh out loud
wb = welcome back
tc = take care
ppl = people
peeps = people
nm = never mind
pic = picture
k = ok
gf = girl friend
bf  = boy friend
pc = private chat
: ) = smile
<3 = love / heart
^-^ = pooch
<:3(   )~ = mouse / rat
:oP = sticking out tongue
:o( = frown
<==   ----> = pointing
thnx = thanks
^5 = high five
;0 ) = wink
= )  = wide eyes
8 ) = glasses
*S* = smile
*G* = giggle
Cxxxxx]=================> = sword
>< )))'> = fish
(\/\/\/\/) = crown
~~~~~(_(o) = T.P. Toss
()____)==o = wine bottle
weg = wicked evil grin
,,,>^..^<,,, = kitty
-----(-@ = rose
(V) = tulip 

Threaded Message / Posting Boards

Primarily for roll playing, enhanced by utilizing the above outlined chat options and protocols.
May also be used to post prose specific to particular Pieces.
Is also a venue to leave messages within the community. i.e. so and so was here but left, will be back when, meet me in chat @, respond should you wish, catch you on the flip side.

 Menagerie free-4-all Threaded Message Forum

Quoters Quarry Threaded Message Forum

To insert bells and whistles into your postings:
use this basic html, aka hyper text markup language which is automatically hidden within a posting.

view the sample given below

<img src=""/></a> <br> Pinko's Picture
Listen to Fun Fun with me <a href="">Fun Fun</a>
Meet Pinko's friend <a href="">Vacuna</a>

you may cut and paste above sample into a message posting and click preview to get a feel for it.

Guest Map & Guest Books

The Guest Map is a nifty way for persons to see where anyone who places a pin has ventured from to be here.
Guest Book  provision is fairly self explanatory and works well with the same HTML listed with the above message boards .
(each will work for you with regards to search engine standings)

view old guest book

Picture Story Post

On a monthly rotation basis, according to membership popularity (polling), Pieces will be selected to allow members a venue for their creative writing pertaining to the given Piece. This includes poetry as well as short stories. There are currently a number of pages in the public level with such literary items posted for a better understanding of this function.

The Pieces selected for the working public level example is... Childish Visions

Random Button & Site Rings

Randomly Button selects pages from the cue and makes for easy community surfing. With in the cue are TBRG's pages and those whom enlist to the site ring. We would request that you place (cut&paste) this button on your page should you become part of  TBRG site ring, in order to allow fellow surfers to easily continue to the next page in the cue.
Should a Gallery surfer find themselves on a page without a random button they should click their browsers back button or the link.

By listing your home pages in the site ring, you become fully integrated in TBRG community. Your listing is cued within the random button function and your pages also become fully networked with all whom participate with the ring. The more the merrier and the more traffic all receive to their home pages.
(the amount of traffic a given page receives is another way that search engines sets listing priorities)

The five lines of html given below will add the "random" button with a TBRG link only to your page instead of the complete sitering format if you would prefer when joining the ring. Use it along with an underscored direct link to as shown above instead of the entire ring code as provided and you will still be accepted into the ring.
(note: you may need to manually type this onto your web page using word pad or note pad, cut and paste will not always do the job.)

<br><a href=""><img SRC="" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=35 width=70></a>
<br><a href=""></a>

TBRG SightRing

Sitering by The Bluerose Gallery

Photo Centers

Allows parties to order T shirts and the like using TBRG images stored into the albums.
Persons without personal web space can share their particular pic's here, whether for chat purposes or reasons relating to interactions such as uploads for guest artisans or newspaper clippings of interest.

Classified Ads

Provided for the community to stay informed about what's going on and too gives a free public venue for listing items of interest.

Add  Your  URL to TBRG List

This is a way to be recognized not only by visitors to TBRG but also by web search engines. When a person does a search with a search engine, one way the search engine sets standings of listing popularity is by way of tallying how many times your URL appears in different locations on the web. Therefore, the more pages you are able to set your URL to, the higher up on a search list you will appear.

add your URL link to TBRG list

Place TBRG Banner & Link on Your Page

By allowing TBRG the honor of having our Banner on your page you essentially become a sponsor for us. Should you desire to be listed as a sponsor, you should let it be known via email and provide us with the URL where you have placed our banner. Realize again that this reciprocal advertising action also works to bring your interest and TBRG up in the search engine standings.



Not entirely restricted to Banner participants, any whom contribute to the workings of the community in a beneficial manner earn a place of honor here.

Guest Artisans

This is TBRG's way of recognizing the talents of others, making a place to exhibit their Pieces that they may be acknowledged and become profitable through the gifts possessed. You may email your pictures or use the upload facility provided.


Your Opinion Is Important To Us Please Vote
A tool for TBRG to give you what you want see.

Site Search

A tool for you to search the TBRG site for key words, for instance if you are looking for a character to assume in chat that has a particular quality or a gift for someone with a particular theme. If one were looking for a guardian quality they would use the word "guardian" to search by. Try searching for the word guardian and see what you pull up.
TBRG Site Engine

Search TBRG Site

Greeting Cards

Share your thoughts, feelings and well wishing with our help. You can compose tailored e-cards using your selection of music and TBRG images.
Rest assured their address is not seen retained by TBRG

Send an Internet Greeting Card
Enter Card ID Number to
Pickup Your Greeting Card


Tell a Friend

From here or the main page, utilize this option to automatically forward the particulars using their e-mail address.
Rest assured nobodies address is seen or retained by TBRG

Tell A Friend!
Type In Your Name:

Type In Your E-mail:

Your Friend's E-mail:

Your Comments:

Receive copy:


Join the Mailing List

From here or the main page, utilize this option to automatically enlist to TBRG mailing list.
Rest assured that your email address is kept in strictest confidence, will not be shared and or sold to third parties and, is for keeping you abreast of TBRG activities only. You may also remove it at will at any given time.

Join TBRG mailing list
Enter your name and email address:
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Daily Cartoon

Have Fun

If any persons are still unclear as to any aspect of these working, if you don't let us know of your trouble, we won't be able to help you rectify it or help others get over the hump either.


Please Join Guest & VIP List For A Free Limited Time Partial Members Tour.

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Please note that this is only a partial venue for us to wow you with.

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Copyright © by The Blue Rose Gallery
all rights reserved