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- Casa Columbo -
Ring Around the Rosie,
 The Public Level Colloquium / Manual

Ring Around the Rosie

-chapter five-


From a time, long gone by... They told to all, terrible lies.

Gaining power, to manipulate... In return, they all partake.

Changing personalities, once renown... to a tune, poor in sound.

It is theirs not our mistake... Living learning, whom is or isn't great.

Having knowledge, of this game. Its not us but them, living in shame.

Now is the time, to fair the weather... Realizing which families, to begin together.

Pinko Palino

:as the plot thickens, so do the puzzle parts expand, intrigue, or become better defined.

The following excerpt appears as a taster from the chronicles.

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March 29,1983.

Uncle BenavictA

Uncle Lauper

Dear Uncles Lauper and BenavictA I was just sitting here reminiscing of the day when as a young child, brother Cory had brought Campie and I to Alexia for a visit. We also ventured to the city to visit my uncles. Remember that, we had brought Kentucky Fried Chicken in and watched supper eight movies of ourselves as babies, guests of your hospitality.

Perhaps I am repeating myself, but, never the less I am in want of collecting that which rightfully belongs in care of the oldest survivor to the honorable House of the Cock, Tantamount. Specifically I refer to personable', films, tapes, paintings, pictures, poetry, silverware, artifacts, etc. I trust you would not have destroyed yours and or my brothers memory and too are able to forward any of these items placed in your care and control. Very clear it remains, a particular recollection of the second born in his Liederhosen, traditional German type shorts.

Further to the aforementioned articles of personal correspondence, for the record it is requested your consent of release to your citizen ship and immigration record. The period of issue is from your brothers first arrival to Canada 1945 circa your departure from Alexia about 1962/63.

Surely from your standpoint it is impossible for this request to be of any consequence to you, therefor I have enclosed a "consent of release", leaving the last remaining possibilities to you, regardless of how unlikely it may seem. Your account of welcome and open arms had always been paramount when my Father lived. Accordingly I therefor anticipate your timely response.

P.S. Would you be good enough to supply the addresses of my other family from over seas? I understand there are land deeds, properties, securities and the like which had been procured in the name of Grace. Not withstanding is the secret Will addressing birthrights maintained by the House of the Cock over the countless ages. British birth records from The Island have a number of  entries similar to dads, any of which are not decernable from the other by that office, without the supporting concrete direction.  Alternatively, dads nanny from his youth, Stellar Cockea would fill in these blanks but alas, she is not to be found since advising of treacherous deeds. Thank you.

your loving nephew Cartseat

To: Citizenship and Immigration Canada Electronic Data Search... landed immigrant and visitor data. b) Immigration Case File... residence, sponsorship, visitors data for main party, and or family and friends. c) Ministers Permanent Case File... permanent residence, visitor visas. cc) Permanent Residence Case Files... 

THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT you to release whatever relative information may be available in connection with any of the above outlined areas of information banks, 1945 circa 1963. FURTHER you will provide this said information to Cartseat A.R.Tantamount, AND THIS SHALL BE YOUR GOOD AND SUFFICIENT AUTHORITY FOR DOING SO. Dated at____________, Pigeon, this ____ day of________,1989. name____________________________ I.D.numbers: Regional Citizen Immigration (C.I.C.)_______________ Over Seas Visa & Visa_______________ 

Pinko Palino knows that you the public reserve the right to access government information banks, entrusted with data of personally relevant consequence. This is to say if ones name is affixed to another' immigration file as their sponsor, then, that information also becomes the business of the sponsor, his kinship or his representative, and as such must be subject to the boundaries of the right to information under the Act. To allow the Act to aid and abed in covering a crime is a miscarriage to the intended design of the Act. Like wise, for the Act to with hold information from the eyes of the law or a party and their kinship, is a crime. By any other definition, nothing short of a court order should hinder the scope of a sponsoring parties reach to data in regards to the sponsored, towards information relative to the parties position and or role, in so long as the requester indeed has requested information falling within the realm and or time frame of the right and relevance to interpersonal information.

Pinko Palino would like to see The Law Society of Upper Canada, embrace the responsibility to ledger secrete wills and last wills denoting their representing attorneys, and too Family Coats of Arms. More so, parties maintaining a bequeath to or from destinations under the confidential care of the state, such as the incarcerated, Crown Ward Adoptee's and or the Infirm, requiring of the state a conduit maintaining the certain direction of the mentioned correspondence in consideration of their forced or restricted stance. Worthy preservation of lineage is Tantamount to integrity of roots.

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