The Blue Rose Gallery©
- Casa Columbo -
Ring Around the Rosie,
 The Public Level Colloquium / Manual 

Ring Around the Rosie

-chapter three-


Take the title, what's it mean... Seems to me living a dream.

Have a mention, that is yours... Hey no way, they close the doors.

We the Country, do employ... Members to status, oh so coy.

Present the issues, problems to fix... They'll play with your head, the facts they mix.

Aren't we lucky, aren't we smart... Paying our people, to tear us apart.

Would we learn, its out of control... How to put conscience, on patrol?

Pinko Palino ©

:as the plot thickens, so do the puzzle parts expand, intrigue, or become better defined.

The following excerpt appears as a taster from the chronicles.

Please oblige chapter one to deactivate the vast quantities of invisible ink contained between these lines.

This is their story and they're sticking to it, but as always there are two sides to every story. Suffice it to say, that all though their Mr. Tantamount was indeed difficult as perceived, "he" was not the person he claimed to be, but a perverted impostor half brother under the assumed role of the real Mr.Tantamount, who was a loving husband and father having been removed from the scene by underworld trickery. How is this possible you ask? It was easier than smuggling thousands of Samils into the country under assumed names for sure.


page2, Oct. 14, 1988

To summarize the Children's Aid Society's dealings with your family, there is no indication in the files that your parents were forced to live apart or that they were coerced by any outside agency or family member to remain apart. All indications were that Mr. Tantamount was a difficult man to get along with; he was punitive in his relationship with your mother and the children, and your mother finally left him to live on her own, and later to have you children live with her.

Our agency became involved in order to care for you during the time your mother was trying to re-establish her life, obtain employment and a place to live. It did not appear to have ever been a consideration for your mother, to return to live with Mr. Tantamount and have you children return to their joint care.

The Crown ward ship was finally terminated, but in order to do this an Appeal had to be launched as there was no process for review of ward ship or termination under the Child Welfare Act. The Appeal served to terminate the ward ship but also allowed the children to remain in the Children's Aid care for a further period, during which your mother was preparing a home for your return.

We are sorry that you feel we have not been able to help you and we do not believe we could be of further help to you in your quest to prove your mother's claim for Canada Pension. We do hope that you are able to positively conclude your application for reinstatement.

Yours sincerely,

Between those which may appear as sensationalized or not, can be contained just one and only one real truth. For Pinko truth is where real sensationalism is found without a pun.

You will also note this as the other side's accounted sequence of events: Pinko Palino recognizes the requirement for reserving resources at Casa Columbo, in the interest of the rights of the family unit and it's succeeding generations of children. In times gone by individual family lines were denoted not only by name but also nick names, their shields, colours, trade, an associated mascot, geological local etc. Not only do identifying factors stand to be lost in translation from particular european realms, but they can and do overlap in the new age world. If left to continue undetected such deviations are free to run rampant. And so with any such unchecked power, whether it be of internal or international consequence, it remains entirely as a breach of the public's trust, inadequately exercising said entrusted power. "Power to the People!"


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