Dr. G.P. Careful
5935 Wellintime Rd.25
Hearing Ont.
Tel. ###.###.####
Re: Personal and Confidential
Dear Sir,
There are some concerns I must convey to you at this time the first of
which is expressing my sincere gratitude for treating my mother first
maiden married. At this time last year I was concerned if she was going
to be able to back on her feet, however between yourself, Dr. Homewood,
and the other workers, her quality of life has improved more than
significantly. In providing this update as mom’s power of attourny and
son, I trust you will appreciate the spirit in which I provide the
information’s contained within.
I think it is doubtful she has shared with you that she often vomits
for no apparent reason (mostly in the evening or night), and has stated
before that there has at times been blood present. In comparison to her
state from last year she feels it is inconsequential and something she
is able to contend with, yet I think you should be made aware all the
same in the event she has missed apprising you. The moaning that was
very predominant while at the beginning of adjusting to medication
seems to have levelled out, but does continue to present itself from
time to time and, she explains it to be a difficulty in breathing
though I don’t rightly know what to make of it as to whether it may be
something psychological.
At any rate, over all things are great in comparison to before in that
not only has she become able to use the telephone and other appliances,
she is now getting herself out for socials and the like with what
appears to be progressively less stress and physical demand.
She has elected not to get her cataracts removed, understandably afraid
of the procedure. She is old school and today’s medicine must be
daunting. Myself I wonder and have attempted to convey that with her
health being on the top end of the scale right now that there may not
be no better time than the present to do this, knowing that without
sight down the road and loosing this window to have it seen to, she
will not be able to deal with the blindness and too loss of the
independence she has worked so very hard to regain this past year. I
know implicitly that without eyes to do her therapy,, her reasons for
living will become next to none!
Please add to File
In Earnest I Remain,
The Next of Kin
Mr. Care-Giver
P.O. Box