Article I Title & Objective
1.1.The official title of the club is “For Special People Only”, Multi Dimention Planes.
1.2. Wherever the masculine gender is used in these bylaws, masculine and feminine apply equally.
1.3. The club is a non-profit organization.
1.4. The objective of the club is to encourage good fellowship, promote social and Model Air-Craft activities, and provide information of interest to the membership.
This includes:
1.4.1- To assist members in the construction and flying of Model Air-Craft.
1.4.2- To promote and exchange ideas in design, constitution and flying.
1.4.3- To promote Model Air-Craft competition and fun flights.
1.4.4- To foster ALL dimentions of Modeling. No class of Air-Craft will be banned from flying, regardless of size or function, provided that they meet TBRG and club rules.
Article II Membership
2.1. -To be a MEMBER, one should: be a member of the TBRG; have paid the prescribed Initiation and yearly Membership Fee and be a permanent resident on Earth.
-To be a SOCIAL MEMBER, one must be a permanent resident on Earth and have paid the prescribed membership Fee.
- SOCIAL MEMBERS are exempt from TBRG membership.
- SOCIAL MEMBERS will not have any voting privileges.
2.3. Members may invite relatives and guests to take part in the social affairs and flying activities. Members will always have priority for transmission time.
2.4. The total club membership body may never be limited, restricted or confined to time or space.
2.5. There is no restriction on the number of Junior members (age 18 or younger as of Jan 1st.)
Article III Meetings
3.1. REGULAR MEETINGS will be held on the first Sunday of every month. Notification of meetings shall be sent to the members Via TBRG mailing list.
3.2. An ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in place of the regular meeting on the first Sunday in Nov.
3.3. SPECIAL MEETINGS will be held to deal with special business.
They can be:
ii) Called at the request of at least five MEMBERS. At SPECIAL meetings only those subjects which were the declared purpose of the meeting will be discussed.
iii) The Executive Committee will disclose to the membership body, the minutes of any and all SPECIAL MEETING and ALL topics discussed therein, in a timely and orderly manor via FSPO postings.
iiii) The members of the EXECUTIVE and or the MEMBERSHIP, will not hold secrete or non public meetings behind the scenes and or conspire to control or direct voting subjects and attendance. Such Deviance will spell automatic dismissal from the club and associated privileges.
iiiii) Special Meeting are of open door policy, meaning any FSPO members may attend if deemed so nessesary by any given FSPO party.
3.4. EXECUTIVE MEETINGS are to be called by the president whenever necessary, or when requested by any other member of the membership or the executive.
3.5 . -The QUORUM for regular and ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be 25% of the number of registered MEMBERS. Signed proxy votes are included in the count.
ii) Executive report.
iii) Financial report.
iv) Unfinished and new business.
v) Special announcements.
vi) General discussion.
vii) Special presentations.
ii) President’s annual report.
iii) Officers’ annual report.
iv) Financial annual report.
v) Unfinished and new business.
vi) Special announcements.
vii) Election of Board members.
viii) General discussion.
Article IV Elections
4.1. The election of members of the Board of Directors will take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on the first Sunday of November every year and will be conducted by a chairman appointed by the President for this occasion.
4.2. Elected Board members will serve for a period of ONE YEAR. The term of office will commence on the Ist Friday of December.
4.3. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS will be composed of 5 Executive Members and 4 Officers. A full slate of elected Executives consists of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. In the event that no Member comes forward to fill these positions the club will be reassessed. The Executive Members will be composed of:
ii) President.
iii) Vice-President.
iv) Treasurer.
v) Secretary.
4.4. The New Found position will be held by Club approval for as
long as IS desired by members. The Officers will be composed of:
ii) Safety Officer.
iii) Field Maintenance Officer.
iv) Chief Flying Instructor.
4.5. To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, a person
must be a MEMBER in good standing. SOCIAL MEMBERS will not be eligible
for Executive Member positions.
4.6. Elections will be conducted as follows:-
ii) The nominating committee will confirm the credentials of all nominees and volunteers and will present to the Executive a list of suitable candidates prior to the regular meeting held in November of each year.
iii) The final confirmed list of candidates will be presented by the nominating committee at the A.G.M. in November each year. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the A.G.M.
iv) Any candidate NOT PRESENT at the A.G.M. will be deleted from the list unless he has previously advised the Secretary, in writing, of his willingness to serve on the Board.
v) Voting will be by SECRET BALLOT of MEMBERS ONLY and will be counted by three TELLERS appointed by the President prior to the meeting.
Article V Duties of the Board of Directors
ii) Maintain continuity in the club development.
iii) Provide advice based on past experience.
ii) Chairs the Regular and Special meetings.
iii) Communicates effectively with the Executive and the Membership.
iv) Represent the Club at all official functions.
v) The President does not vote at a REGULAR MEETING. In the event of a tied vote will cast the deciding ballot.
vi) Resolves all conflict expeditiously.
vii) If s/he is unable to exercise any function, he will delegate that function to the Vice-President or, in his absence, to the Past president or other Directors.
viii) Be responsible for the smooth running of the club to best of his ability.
ix) Report to the club all activities relevant to his position.
x) Monitor the duties of the other Executive Committee members and officers.
xi) Act as spokesman for the club.
ii) Responsible to the President.
ii) Receives and deposits all Club income in the Club's bank account.
iii) Disburses Club funds as authorized by the Club membership or the Executive Committee and ensures that all disbursements are confirmed by adequate receipts.
iv) Maintains records of all transactions and files or all associated paperwork in a retrievable manner.
v) Compiles and presents complete and accurately documented financial statements at all regular and Annual General Meeting and at such other times as the Executive Committee may require.
vi) Prepares and signs all cheques on behalf of the Club and ensures that these cheques are countersigned by the President, the Founder or the Vice President.
viii) Responsible to the President.
ix) No expenditure in excess of $500 shall be made without prior approval of the Membership.
ii) Maintains files of all correspondence and any other paperwork related to Club business (excepting papers relating to financial matters, which will be retained by the Treasurer), in a retrievable manner.
iii) Maintains membership records.
iv) Prepares ballot forms for elections or any other secret vote.
v) Acts as spokesman for the Club in the absence of the President or the Vice-President.
vi) Responsible to the President.
ii) He will be consulted as required.
ii) Tactfully notify member of any possible rule violation.
iii) When needed, notifies the Executive Committee of an infraction.
iv) Responsible to the President.
ii) Responsible for overseeing wings tests, and for issuing Wings to a qualified pilots.
iii) Responsible for training new pilots.
iv) Organize periodic meetings with the Instructors to ensure uniformity of instruction.
v) Responsible to the President.
ii) Requests and directs membership support in maintaining field.
iii) Responsible to the President.
IMPORTANT NOTE When their term of office has expired, Board members
must return all records (complete and up-to-date), documents, moneys and
equipment belonging to the Club, to the Board of Directors.
6.1. The Executive Committee will be responsible for the proper operation of the Club in accordance with these bylaws and for the business conducted by its officers.
6.2. Executive Committee meetings can be called by any Executive or General Member.
6.3 The Executive have the authority to make decisions, for the good of the Club, at any time but they must have their decision ratified by the Membership at the next Regular meeting.
6.4 All decisions regarding the activities, safety, rules, field layout, flight envelope will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee. The Executive will vote on any amendment before presenting it to the membership.
6.5. Responsible for selecting and approving instructors. The input from all club instructors is mandatory.
6.6. All new members shall be sponsored by two members in good standing.
6.7. Treatment of Rule Violations:
ii) The Violation Committee must interpret the club rules based on safety, rule intent, danger to others, property damage, intent and skill of the pilot.
iii) Treat rule violator fairly and with respect.
iv) Collect all the facts relating to the incident.
v) Interrogate rule violator and witnesses and assess their testimony and judgment.
vi) Allow argument and counter-argument.
vii) Return unbiased balanced judgment and assess the severity of the infraction.
viii) The Rule Violation Committee shall recommend, to the Executive Committee, the expulsion of any member from the club because of a "Serious" and repeated offense. Hazardous conduct resulting in physical injury, repeated disregard for Club Rules and Executive Warning is considered a Serious Offense.
Article VII, Dues & Initiation Fee
7.2. Members joining later than August 1st will be charged at half the membership fee.
7.3. An initiation fee will be payable by every new Adult Member.
7.4. Paid dues are not refundable.
7.5. The amount of annual dues for the coming year and the initiation fee shall be established by the Executive and presented at the Annual General Meeting.
7.6. If an applicant was a former Member, he will be exempt from the Initiation Fee. Article
VII Dissolution of the Club
8.1. A decision to dissolve the FSPO club must be made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, who will then advise all Members and Social Members by WRITTEN NOTICE, of a SPECIAL MEETING to ratify this decision.
8.2. The Board of Directors decision to dissolve the Club MUST be approved by two-thirds of the MEMBERS present at the SPECIAL MEETING. Dissolution will become effective immediately and all remaining funds and assets will be divided evenly among the existing MEMBERS. SOCIAL MEMBERS are not included.
8.3. If dissolution IS NOT approved at the SPECIAL MEETING, the Executive Committee MUST resign and the meeting MUST appoint an interim Executive Committee to take care of all assets and organize the election of a new Board of Directors, within 2 months of the date of the SPECIAL MEETING Existing Executives may submit their names for re-election if they wish.
Article IX Amendments
9.1 With the exception of the articles listed below, proposed amendments to these bylaws can be submitted, in writing, to the Secretary, at any time.
9.1.2- Article VI: Duties of the Executive, Item 6.4
9.1.3- Article X: Amendments, Item 9.1 9.2.
Founder: ................______________________________ Date:________________________
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President: .............._______________________________ Date:_______________________
**** *******
Vice President: ......._______________________________ Date:_______________________
**** *******
Secretary: ..............._______________________________ Date:_______________________
**** *******
Treasurer: ..............._______________________________ Date:_______________________
**** *******
Addendum, Field Rules:
Article X
10.I. NO ALCOHOLIC DRINK is permitted at the field.
10.2. All club members must be members of the Honourary Members of TBRG.
10.3. Not Only club members and invited guests are permitted to fly.
10.4. The field is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
10.5 . The man is completely off limits because of safety and insurance.
10.6. A unlimited number of Air-Craft in the air at one time is permitted.
10.7. All Pilots must place their Frequency Pin on the board when flying. If there are two or more Pilots on the same frequency, then the transmitter compound must be used between flights.
Field Operating Procedures:
Article XI
11.0. No operation of Air-Craft shall compromise field safety or result in the loss of the field
11.1. As a general rule, Air-Craft engine noise must be under 98 dB at 3 meters, and will be measured as required except as noted in 11.2.
11.2. Special Air-Craft which are unable to meet these limits must make arrangements with the Executive to draft a plan to enable them to fly so as not to disturb the neighbors. These Air-Craft must halve a muffler system designed for that class of airplane.
11.3. Student Pilots must fly with an instructor until they have passed their wings test and must also have instructor assistance with more advanced Air-Craft. More advanced Air-Craft require a demonstration of competence before the individual is permitted to fly by himself,
11.4. All Air-Craft maiden fights should be flown by either a qualified instructor or fully competent pilot.
11.5. No flying behind the Pilots Flight Line except for Takeoff and Landing due to wind direction. See Item 11.7
11.6. Pilots should remain at the designated locations behind "Pilot Flight Line Fence", unless retrieving aircraft, landing in a crosswind, evening flying and pylon flying. See Item 11.7
11.7. When it is necessary to approach the field from behind the flight line due to cross winds, the pilot landing should move to a position at the end of the pilots stations to ensure a clear line of sight for approach.
11.8. Please call to other pilots when taking off, landing or venturing out on the field.
11.9. In the late after noon or evening Air-Craft may be flown east to Churchhill Blvd, south to River Drive due to the position of the sun. Special care must be taken to remain within the field boundaries. Pilots who have concerns over their abilities should seek the advice of an instructor before flying in this manner.
11.l0. Approved experienced pilots will be permitted to fly over Churchill Blvd but only to the North of the farmer's Home and Barn, and parallel to the Flight Line.
11.11. Please be courteous to other flyers waiting for frequencies in use.
11.12. Please be courteous to other members whom may question your membership, or flying ability.
11.13. Please abide by the safety officer's directions.
11.14. Please ask for assistance when needed.
11.15. Please do not taxi in pit area.